
Abide and Abound

Women’s Ministry is here to help you grow spiritually in Christ and find community with like-minded women.

We also believe that every woman is an important part of the body of Christ and that she has been given spiritual gifts and abilities, and so we make it our aim to provide ways for you to volunteer to serve the Lord in this ministry or to point you to other opportunities within the church.

Welcome to

Abide and Abound

I am the vine, you are the branches. She who abides in Me, and I in her, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. — John 15:5

Women’s Overseer | Denise Salvato
Women’s Administrator | Yvonne Cottage

Contact Women's Ministry

If you would like to receive our Women’s Ministry emails with updates and  information concerning events, studies, and more, please click below.

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Women’s Spring Conference

March 28 & 29

Details and Tickets Here
Thursday AM Bible Study

John Chapters 13-17

Register Here
Sunday PM Bible Study

Through the One Year Bible

Register HereWinter Calendar
Prayer Gatherings

1st and 3rd Thursday
12:00-1:00 PM


Media Library

Our Bible study and events are stored in a sortable and searchable library for your blessing and edification. Select the button below visit the library.

Visit the library

Social Media

Engage on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube over a variety of content to encourage, equip, and edify one another in our walks with the Lord. 

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